Join our open beta
Run ComfyUI workflows on powerful cloud GPUs
Zero configuration time. Custom nodes pre-installed.
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Searge SDXL
Enhanced LCM
ControlNet colorize
Character Pose
ControlNet patterns
Seamless texture
Prompt Layering
Get started in seconds
No more google colab notebooks or complex installation, get started right away
Enjoy the flexibility and features of ComfyUI, with additional functionality created by us and the community
Community built in
Publish workflows to our community with 1 click, get inspired and learn from the best
Supports SDXL
Leverage's powerful SDXL model, capable of creating breathtaking graphics in higher resolutions than before
Powerful backend
Leverage our powerful GPU instances for speed and multi-model workflows
On demand
Import powerful models from multiple sources such as, huggingface and google drive with 1 click
Custom nodes
Skip lengthy installations, custom nodes come preinstalled and are kept up-to-date.
Simple and affordable
Supercharge your workflow with our affordable pricing
Our offer
billed monthly
Includes 1000 credits renewed each month.
Create your workflows without any cost – no credits will be deducted while you're building them. When you're ready to run, simply start the machine and run your workflow (credit will be deducted only when your machine is on).
Access every model that you can find in Hugging Face and You won't pay for model storage, lora storage or workflow storage.
Import your own models from Google Drive
Instantly choose from multiple GPU options to run your workflows.
You can top up extra credits for fairly cheap, if you ever run out of them.
Custom nodes are pre-installed in our editor. You can use them right away without installation.
Share your workflows in our community and use existing workflows with 1 click.
PRIVATE, Fast and secure cloud storage for all your workflows, uploads and creations
200 precached models ready to use
Run workflows in parallel
Work on multiple workflows at the same time
Get started today
Note: Prices are tax-exclusive.
What is a ComfyUI?
ComfyUI is a cutting-edge user interface that enables you to create images using various AI models. It features an intuitive node-based UI that makes it easier to use advanced techniques and tools. Read more about it here
What is a workflow?
A workflow is a graph composed of ready-made nodes. Each node is a mathematics function which manipulates it's given parameters. Usually when the graph has finished processing, an output image/video output will be presented for preview.
Is the generated content original?
Originality is a complex question with Stable Diffusion. You can read more about it here